1. Purpose

The purpose of this document, prepared within the scope of the protection and processing of personal data, is to provide explanations about the administrative and technical measures taken to process and protect personal data obtained through various methods and technologies during ongoing commercial activities on the website operated by ALTOBEH TEKSTİL DIŞ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ (referred to as ALTOBEH). This is to fulfill the obligation of disclosure under Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK) for our current customers, potential customers, company employees, company partners, company officials, and third parties. Additionally, it aims to transparently inform relevant parties about the purposes, legal reasons, and rights related to the processing of data collected by ALTOBEH when users visit the website, log into the system, and in processes such as product orders, delivery, payment, administration, advertising, and marketing to provide more effective service to visitors and customers.

As ALTOBEH, we have taken the highest level of technical and administrative measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data collected to provide better service on The KVKK Policy document, which explains ALTOBEH's duties and responsibilities under the KVKK, can be found at

(personal data protection policy text address to be written) It was published at the address.

2. Identity of the Data Controller

Pursuant to the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law), the relevant Data Controller is registered with the Istanbul Trade Registry Office under the registration number ISTANBUL-854751. 0066028117400001 ALTOBEH TEKSTİL DIŞ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ, with MERSIS number, is located at Topçular Mah. Rami Kışla Cad. No:5 İç Kapı Nu:20 Eyüpsultan / Eyüp / Istanbul

3. Personal Data We Process

We collect personal data in the following categories to ensure the continuity of our services:

  • Visual and audio data
  • Identity data
  • Contact data
  • Financial data
  • Location data
  • Customer data
  • Customer transaction data
  • Special category personal data
  • Marketing data
  • Request and complaint management data
  • Risk management data
  • Personnel data
  • Fringe benefits and interest data
  • Physical space security data

Personal Data Provided by You: These are your personal data, including your name and surname, date of birth, T.C. ID number, phone number, email address, address, photos and video recordings submitted within the scope of surveys and competitions, voice data recorded due to conversations made via corporate email or call center, and other data shared with us through any other channels to benefit from our products or services.

Personal Data Collected Automatically: These are personal data automatically collected through automatic search engines, image and audio recording devices, cookies, or other means.

Personal Data Obtained from Other Sources: These are personal data shared with us by social media tools, our business partners, suppliers, and other third parties, based on your prior consent, such as updated membership account information, purchase, page view information, search terms, and search results, paid listings (such as Sponsored Links), etc.

4. Personal Data Retention Periods

Your personal data are stored in accordance with the KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law) and other relevant legislation and for the duration required by the purpose of data processing. If no period is stipulated by the legislation, the data are retained for the period required by the purpose of data processing. Once the reasons for processing the data are eliminated, the data are deleted, destroyed, or anonymized. Detailed information about retention periods can be found in the Personal Data Protection Policy Document.

5. Purposes of Processing Personal Data

As a rule, your personal data are processed based on your explicit consent. However, in accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the KVKK, your personal data may also be processed without your explicit consent to fulfill our legal obligations under Articles 5.2 and 6.3 of the KVKK, to establish or perform a contract, to fulfill our legal obligations, to establish, use, or protect a right, and to protect our legitimate interests without harming your fundamental rights and freedoms, and for publicly available personal data.

In this context, if the above-mentioned situations exist, your personal data will be processed for the performance of the products and services provided by our company, contacting you when necessary, making shopping transactions via the website and mobile application, payment transactions, refund transactions, delivery services, establishing a distance sales contract under electronic commerce, sale, supply, delivery of products or services, receiving your questions and complaints, providing you with responses, using them in case of a potential dispute, reducing costs, efficient use of resources, monitoring the quality of call center services, etc. Additionally, your personal data that you have made public through means such as competitions and social media channels may be processed without seeking your consent within the scope permitted by the KVKK.

Your personal data may be processed under the purposes specified in this Clarification Text, within the scope of Article 5.1 and Article 6.2 of the KVKK, based on your explicit consent. Additionally, when you give your explicit consent, your data may be processed to benefit from the programs/memberships that offer special advantages to members, including participating in the programs/memberships. Based on this explicit consent, your data may be processed for purposes such as presenting special products and services to you, using cookies, making commercial offers considering your preferences and recent purchases, tracking your usage habits based on your previous records during your visit to the website and mobile applications, and conducting marketing and customer service activities, sending electronic commercial communications (campaigns, newsletters, customer satisfaction surveys, product and service advertisements), sending gifts and promotions, organizing corporate communications, and arranging other events and invitations and informing you about them.

6. Transfer of Personal Data to Third Parties and/or Abroad

Your personal data may be transferred to our business partners secured by contracts, with whom we work for purposes such as storage, archiving, IT support (server, hosting, software, cloud computing), security, call center, sales, marketing, and support services, as well as to group companies, business partners, supplier companies, banks, financial institutions, consultancy firms in areas such as law and tax, and third parties providing support in areas related to ALTOBEH's activities (e.g., email sending, campaign creation with advertising companies, CRM support firms), and institutions and organizations when necessary for the purposes specified in Articles 5.2 and 6.3 of the KVKK without your explicit consent or for the purposes for which your explicit consent has been obtained in this Clarification Text. These data may be processed in a limited manner for the necessary evaluations during the processing, and in the event of a transfer, the transferee may continue to process your personal data as a data controller.

7. Collection and Legal Grounds for Processing Personal Data

Your personal data are collected, processed, and transferred by ALTOBEH via the website and mobile application, application forms, website membership and contact forms, website e-bulletin registration forms, cookies, job application forms, and other channels based on different legal grounds, in accordance with the principles and procedures stipulated by the KVKK and relevant legislation, for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text.

8. Your Rights under the KVKK

As a data subject, you have the right to apply to ALTOBEH under Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law:

  • To learn whether your personal data are processed,
  • To request information if your personal data have been processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,
  • To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred in Turkey or abroad,
  • To request correction of your personal data if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed, and to request notification of the transaction to the third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons for processing them have disappeared, even though they have been processed in accordance with the KVKK and other relevant legislation, and to request notification of the transaction to the third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
  • To object to the occurrence of a result against you due to the analysis of the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • To request the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data.

Within this scope, you can submit your request regarding your rights by filling out the ALTOBEH Data Subject Application Form (KVVK APPLICATION FORM LINK) in accordance with the procedures and principles specified in the form and sending it to us using the communication methods specified in the form.

ALTOBEH will conclude the request free of charge within the shortest possible time and within thirty (30) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if a fee is stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Board, and if the requests result in additional costs for ALTOBEH, the fees specified in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be charged by ALTOBEH. In cases where your personal data are processed based on explicit consent, if you withdraw your explicit consent, we would like to emphasize that you will be removed from the membership program where processing based on explicit consent is necessary, and you will not be able to benefit from the advantages provided by such processing from the relevant date onwards.

You can always follow changes in the legislation and our practice regarding personal data on the relevant page of our website.

Working Hours

Weekdays: 09:00-18:00

Saturday: 09:00-12:00

For any questions, you can reach us at our call center at +905528777786.


Address: Mah. Rami Kışla Cad. No:5 İç Kapı Nu:20 Eyüpsultan / Eyüp / Istanbul

For your requests regarding your personal data, email:

For support and information requests on other matters, email: