Frequently Asked Questions

What products does Altobeh offer?
How do I choose the right hijab for me from Altobeh?
Can I find eco-friendly shawls at Altobeh?
What payment methods are accepted on
How can I track my order from Altobeh?
Does Altobeh offer international shipping, and What are the shipping fees?
What are the shipping fees?
How long does delivery take?
Can I update my delivery address?
Do you ship to my country?
What is the deadline to cancel an order?
How can I cancel my order?
Can I get a refund for the shipping fee if I cancel my order?
What is your refund process?
Can I get coupons instead of a refund to my bank account?
How can I get assistance if I have a problem with my order?
What is the best way to contact customer service?
How do I care for my hijab and modest garments, including prayer sets?
Are there versatile hijab styles suitable for everyday use?
How do I choose the right hijab fabric for different seasons?
Can non-Muslims wear hijabs as a fashion statement?
What should I consider when selecting modest apparel for special occasions?
How can I use coupon codes on
What do I do if I receive a defective, damaged, or incorrect item?
Who is Altobeh, a seller or a producer?
How can I buy wholesale?
Where are your products made?
What happens if I refuse or do not accept the shipped order?